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Association of Danish Mortgage Banks /
T h e A s s o c i a t i o n of D a n i s h M o r t g a g e B a n k s
Housing prices and transactions
Lending activity
Housing supply statistics
Loan offers
Arrears and acquired properties

Housing prices and transactions
Select a table
Property prices in housing market
BM010: Property prices in housing market by area, property category and prices of completed transactions (1992Q1-2024Q2)
BM011: Property prices in housing market by postal code, property category and prices of completed transactions (1992Q1-2024Q2)
Movements in housing market
BM020: Movements in housing market by area, property category and type of movement (2004Q1-2024Q2)
BM021: Movements in housing market by postal code, property category and type of movement (2004Q1-2024Q2)
Times-on-market by
BM030: Times-on-market (days) by area and property category (2004Q1-2024Q2)
BM031: Times-on-market (days) by postal code and property category (2004Q1-2024Q2)